Friday, August 18, 2006

I've been slowly working on the Shetland Garden Faroese shawl for my mother. If I didn't keep starting other projects, I might have been finished with it by now lol.
Aside from that, I have 2 pairs of socks on the needles right now~ a pair of dark red, and a pair of black ones. I'm doing the black socks for the Socks for Soldiers group. Last nite I was working on them and noticed a dropped stitch, luckily it was only in the row right below, although it's not fun trying to pick up a dropped stitch in a black sock at nite.

I went out today to see if I could find some graph paper, so I wouldn't have to use up all my printer ink. I went to 4 or 5 different stores and no one had any at all. The lady at the one shop said she should have some on next week or so, but that doesn't help me today. I wanted it now lol. I'm attempting to design a knitting pattern and figured the graph paper would help a little.

I just heard from my friend Opal that she got the pkg I mailed her with some earrings and a bracelet I made for her. She seems really happy with them, so I'm happy.


Blogger Opal said...

I am happy! Thank you :-)

3:15 PM  

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